
At Wattle View Primary School, we prioritise literacy and numeracy skills whilst offering an engaging and balanced curriculum. Our programs are developed by our dedicated teaching teams and informed by the Victorian Curriculum. Each week students engage in lessons in English, Mathematics, Inquiry and Respectful Relationships in the classroom, as well as specialist lessons in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths), Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Auslan. Inquiry learning provides opportunities for rich exploration into subjects including History, Geography, Design Technology and Science. Information Technology is integrated in all aspects of Teaching and Learning with students having access to computer devices in their classrooms.

We understand the pivotal role that literacy and numeracy play in a child’s education and their journey as a life long learner. Student learning is individualised through regular assessment enabling teachers to differentiate and support each student at their point of need. We also have extensive Literacy Intervention programs in place to support students who require additional support with Reading and Writing skills, and extension opportunities for students who are working beyond.

Our programs, both within classrooms and specialist lessons ignite curiosity, foster critical thinking, and cultivate a love for learning in every child. From the arts and sciences to technology and global perspectives, our holistic curriculum offers a diverse range of subjects and learning opportunities to cater to the individual interests and talents of each student.

With dedicated teachers who are passionate about education, a supportive learning environment, and a focus on innovation and creativity, Wattle View Primary School is more than just a place to learn—it’s a community where students thrive and succeed.

To support our students’ learning, we also offer additional programs and activities including:

  • Incursions and excursions to complement our curriculum
  • Student Voice Team
  • Learning Support groups
  • Victorian High Achievers Program involvement for extension students
  • Transition Programs for Foundation and Year 6
  • Whole School Production every 2 years
  • State Schools Spectacular Mass Dance team every 2 years for students in grade 4 – 6
  • Camping program every 2 years for Years 3 – 6
  • Whole school swimming program annually
  • Interschool Sports Programs
  • Counselling Services
  • Buddy Program for Preps and Grade 5/6 students
  • Student Leadership opportunities
  • Grade 6 end of year celebrations and Graduation

Reporting to Parents

There is a report generated in June and December each year to report student progress. As well as providing reports, parents and students have the opportunity to participate in 3 way student led conferences. This allows the students to showcase the work that they do and share their future goals for improvement. As well as providing these formal opportunities, parents are welcome to communicate with our staff through emails, informal meetings and scheduled meetings as required. Student Support Group meetings are also arranged with the Assistant Principal and classroom teachers to share goals and progress with students who require additional support.