In line with the Victorian Curriculum 2.0, Wattle View Primary School has a strong focus on the use of the proficiency strands of fluency, understanding, problem-solving and reasoning to scaffold students’ understanding in mathematics.
Students are exposed to concepts from the six strands of Mathematics:
- Number
- Algebra
- Measurement
- Space
- Statistics
- Probability (Year 3 onwards)
At Wattle View Primary School, we understand that each student’s understanding develops at different rates and in different ways. We value the individual learning styles of each student and strive to target instruction and classroom experiences to cater for each student’s point of need. As such, teachers at Wattle View Primary School use a range of assessment tools to identify next steps for learning for each of our students and adjust our lessons and instruction to ensure every student is appropriately challenged and can succeed regardless of their learning level.
Teachers at Wattle View Primary School work collaboratively to target teaching in Number or Algebra concepts through the use of Maths Groups. Through the use of Guttman Charts and targeted assessments, teachers determine students’ Zones of Proximal Development and develop learning sequences to ensure each child is progressing at their point of need.
In Applied Maths (Measurement, Space, Statistics or Probability), teachers use real-world and hands-on experiences to ensure learning experiences are engaging and relevant to students’ real lives and the wider world. Teachers work collaboratively to develop application tasks directly linked to the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 to ensure students are being challenged at an appropriate level.